Tag Archives: game

Flappy Bird: Clever and Frustrating yet so Fun!

While I was checking my newsfeed on facebook, I saw many posts about an application game which many think is very frustrating. I was so curious I asked my friend about it. He told me to try the game so I did play on his phone. So for the first time, I got a zero, another zero, and for several tries, I still got a zero. Then, happiness came when, tadaaaa! I got a score, it’s a one! And I said booyah! But still, I wanted more so I downloaded the application in my own tablet.  The game is called flappy bird.


The game is played by tapping your device in order for the bird to flap its wings until your score gets higher and higher. The challenge is to pass between the green pipes similar to the pipes seen in supermario. It looks easy and clever but actually it is not. It is a game for everyone yet players must have focus, patience and determination.

There goes the addiction. For several tries, my score improved. From zero, I got one or two. But there are really times that I get so frustrated.

2 Types of frustration caused by flappy bird:

1. Of course, it is frustrating when you don’t score at all.


2. It is also frustrating when your score is one point below the top score. 


But the fun comes in when you achieved your new best score!



I just downloaded this app. In a span of less than 24 hours, my highest score is 39. What’s yours? 🙂