Category Archives: Love

Troubling Opposite Qualities of the Opposite Sex

Men and women in a relationship have distinct qualities or characteristics that may at times cause them to not understand each other. Problems arise in relationships because the couples do not know who is right or who is wrong between them. However, it is amazing to know that even if these men and women have extreme attitudes, the so-called law of attraction still applies. Indeed it is timely to say that “opposites attract” but still, trouble still in tract.

So what are these qualities that may cause trouble?

For Men

1. Women paying attention to details of the relationship may sound annoying for men sometimes.

2. Women not answering immediately when being asked about what’s wrong with them make some men very upset.

3. Women being fond of surprises, romantic date set-up, and the likes turn out to be a hassle to men.

On the other hand, For Women

1. Men not very particular with details may make women start a quarrel.

2. Men wanting urgent answers and not giving women time to think about the problem make women think that men do not understand them.

3. Men wanting a simple date and choosing to watch an action film than a romantic film makes women disappointed sometimes.


(Photo taken from YahooImages!)