Category Archives: Beauty

GlutaMAX products for you this Christmas!

The month of December is not the only time to countdown the days before Christmas. This season is also the perfect time to have a countdown to a lighter skin. Achieving a lighter and glowing skin is not hard as you think. With GlutaMAX’s Skin Lightening System, the skin that you desire will always be like “Kutis Mayaman”.

GlutaMAX has five products that will surely help you attain a fairer skin.

1. GlutaMAX Reduced Glutathione

2. GlutaMAX Lightening Soap

3. GlutaMAX Lightening Lotion with Glutathione

4. GlutaMAX Deo and Anti-perspirant

5. GlutaMAX Lightening Cream


After using these products, effects of skin lightening can be seen as early as four weeks. GlutaMAX will not only lighten the skin tone but it will also boost your immune system and increase your body energy. That is why you should choose GlutaMAX. It does not only give you a lighter skin but it also stimulates a healthier body. For more information about GlutaMAX, visit

So, be healthy and have a “Kutis Mayaman” this holiday season. Win a set of GlutaMAX products (see photo above) by joining BLOG & ME’s Christmas Promo.

Just answer this question: Why is it important to take care of your skin and have a healthy glowing skin like“kutis mayaman”?

Then comment your answer below or post on our facebook page.

here’s the link:

Promo runs until January 06, 2014 only. Join now and be the lucky winner! 🙂

Weird Beauty Regimens like of the Celebs

Some women mostly celebrities are obsessed with making themselves look more beautiful and youthful each day of their lives. However, beauty treatments like facial treatments, diamond peels, and skin rejuvenations are quite expensive nowadays. Still, you can shine like a star even if you are penniless or just a bit thrifty. All you have to do is to explore and look for the secret inside your homes. The regimens are pretty odd but I’ve been practicing these for a long time. I thought all the while that I was the only one doing this. But when I visited SheKnows Lifestyle on the internet, I found out that there are Hollywood celebrities doing the same beauty routines like mine.

Like me, Jennifer Love Hewitt also uses toothpaste as a pimple remover.


Like me, Cindy Crawford also washes her face with milk.


Like me, Kate Hudson also gives herself water ice facials.


What’s your weird beauty secret? Share now.

(Photos above are taken from

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